What steps should I take before the procedure?

Please trim any nasal hairs to help improve access to nasal cavities. You must fast at least 8 hours prior to your procedure. Please refrain from eating, driving water or other beverages, and chewing gum. Arrange to have someone drive you to and from our office the...

What is balloon sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive treatment option that can be performed by Dr.Glatz right here, in the office. Balloon sinuplasty technology is used to treat chronic or recurrent sinus infections (sinusitis) affecting the sinuses above your eyebrows as well...

When is sinus surgery necessary?

Most patients with chronic sinus infections don’t need surgery. Medical treatment and lifestyle changes usually work or keep symptoms under control. But if the changes don’t work, surgery may be the best alternative.* Dr. Glatz will help you determine if...